Monday, December 20, 2010

Just a lil' info..

My Sis
for more detailed info go to
and... www.sunclanrosestaraish.blogspot.comand... for the other Clans that overruled Thunder Shadow Wind and River Clans...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Diamondstar says...

Welcome cats of Midnight Clan! Please today we are naming 2 new apprentices! Please come up Wildpaw and Mistpaw! *cats bound up groomed by their mom* do you promise to listen to your mentors and uphold the clan? Then wildpaw, your mentor is Pebbleshadow and Mistpaw, your mentor is Ivycloud!

Diamondstar says:

All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the MidnightStone! Today we naming three apprenices that have trained hard for 5 moons. Heatherpaw, Lionpaw, Tigerpaw please come up to the MidnightStone! *aforementioned cats pad up on excited paws* Lillysplash, Pebbleshadow, and Oaktail, are you satisfied that your apprentices havve trained well in the ways of a warrior and followed the Warrior Code? *Cats nod yes and gaze at their apprentices with proud eyes* *their mother Nightshine is also bursting with pride* Then by the power of Star Clan, I name you Heatherpaw, Heathercloud! *cats chant HEATHERCLOUD several times* I name you Tigerpaw, Tigerheart! *clan cats chant TIGERHEART several times, but even louder(tigerheart is popular in the clan :) And Lionpaw, you will be known as Lionclaw! *LIONCLAW LIONCLAW* Heathercloud, Tigerheart, and Lionclaw all bow down to Diamodstar and she licks them all in return. Thank you and this meeting is dissmissed..

Visit Oceansong!

Click on her picture or the Medicine Cat's den page at the top to go to her page/den!

Sun Clan

Visit Sun Clan!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Hello warriors of Midnight Clan, I'm working on a fanfic right now. Going to post when I'm done. It involves the 4 clans of THIS forest. Thanks!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Intro to the Other Clans of the Forest

Sun Clan
Leader- Rosestar- slender brown tabby she cat
Deputy- Foxfang- orange muscular tom
Medicine Cat- Lavendershadow- gray she cat (old)
Med. Cat Apprentice- Brownspider- spindly brown tom
Cloverleaf- brown and white she cat
Sparrowwing- dark blue tom
Acornstem- brown tabby tom (brother to Rosestar)
Doveflight- gray she cat
Skybird- silver she cat (supposedly Skyclan runaway)
Mousewhisker- dark brown tom with amber eyes (looks JUST like Tigerstar but total opposite of him :))
Icefur- pure white she cat with one blue and green eye
Falconfoot- black and white tom
Addertail- black tom (truly evil)
Honeydrop- golden she cat (mated with Acornstem) mother of Starkit, Bluekit, and Oakkit (sound familiar??)
Thrushsong- sweet brown tabby (mated with Sparrowwing) expecting three kits
Jaypaw- dark gray tom Mentor- Mousewhisker
Darkpaw- black tom Mentor- Skybird
Deerpaw- light brown she cat Mentor- Icefur